Behind the Mac

Suse Steed
9 min readAug 6, 2020

As Apple faces allegations of using child labour in a US lawsuit, it’s time to ask if you really want to know, what is behind the Mac?

I remember the first time I saw one of these adverts. I was at Bank station. The question on the billboard jumped out at me.

It jumped out because it was the question I’d been thinking about. What is Behind the Mac?

Except it is made by Apple as a statement.

Behind the Mac.

They presented answers. Answers that were quite different to those I had found. I had just written a post on it for a blog I used to have on a well known news site. The site refused to publish my article. They said it was potentially libellous, but they wouldn’t explain why.

Since then, it’s Apple who have been asked to explain themselves in court for the very issue my article was about - child labour. Since there is court case happening at the moment it seems a good time to tell you what I found out.

When I started researching this, the first thing I was told about was artisanal mining.

Artisanal mining.

Artisanal mining?

I was asked if I knew what this was, do you know? I didn’t. I guessed. I associated the word with luxury, something made by an artisan. Like that posh…



Suse Steed
Suse Steed

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